SLEW/EDGE & MM-DIVIDER Released and NYLE Filter Updated
Two new crucial modules have been just released for your AE Modular System. Just in time before the next wave of new modules will become available in November.

SLEW/EDGE is a combination of slew limiter and detection of rising/falling edges of CV’s.

The SLEW/EDGE module has two purposes:
First, it is a slew limiter, changes in the incoming CV are softened with a variable slew time. If the CV is used e.g. for controlling an oscillator, you get a portamento. With two switches it can be controlled if only rising or falling CVs or CV change in both directions are processed with the slew time. Additionally, the choice if rising and/or falling CVs are “slewed” can be controlled with external gate signals.
The second purpose of the module is an edge detector that indicates if the incoming CV is rising or falling; this information is available as different outputs (one that is high on rising and low on falling input, and short pulses on rise/fall/ any change.
MM-DIVIDER is a multi-mode clock divider with various different algorithms: Binary, Decimal, Prime numbers, Fibonacci with output shifting and rotation option.

It can be used either for dividing clock signals (e.g. from an LFO, BEATDIVIDER) for rhythmical purposes but also for audio signals – in this case, you get subharmonics / lower octaves square waves at the outputs, which can be mixed or used separately.
The module has eight outputs which – depending on the selected division mode – provide different division factors of the input signal:
- Beat: musical/rhythmical clocks are generated as 1/1, 1/2, 1/4… 1/16 and triplets
- Binary: the outputs work as binary counter (same as the predecessor module DIVIDER)
- Decimal: The outputs have decimal divisions of the input, meaning half, third, quarter, fifth… of the input clock
- Prime: The outputs use the prime numbers as division factors
- Fibonacci: The outputs use the numbers of the fibonacci row as division factors
The reset input resets all output signals; in case of audio signals, this can get quite unique, ring modulator-like sounds.
The Shift knob shifts/rotates the outputs; usually, the fastest output is on output 1, but with shift the entire output pattern is shifted so the fastest output can be set to any position 1…8.
NYLE FILTER (Steiner type)
The NYLE Filter has received an update – the resonance behavior can now be changed with a new switch between “wild” and “tamed”.

The NYLE FILTER is an adaption of the Steiner Filter for the AE modular palette. It contains the classic filter curves lowpass/highpass/bandpass with adjustable filter frequency and resonance. The unique feature of this filter type is, that there are separate inputs for lowpass /highpass/bandpass (not separate outputs as with other filters). This allows quite unusual sounds if different signals are fed into different inputs. Each input has its own attenuator; for frequency CV control there are two inputs with individual attenuators. Additionally, the resonance can also be CV controlled!
The sound goes from quite a soft filtering with low resonance setting to a quite intense resonance peak to full self-resonance.
Modules Outlook
New SOLINA, ALGODRONE and updated MASTER & LFO Modules are scheduled for November 2019.
- SOLINA – The hardware for this module has long been ready, but I needed the time to get the software done and I’m confident that I can finally release this module next month.
- ALGODRONE – Same as with the Solina module … the hardware has been stable for months, but finding the quiet time to write the software has eluded me for a long time. Now that I have help with the day to day production of orders, I can focus more on this.
- The MASTER module will receive another update, the main feature will be a method to change the MIDI channel to either Omni, 1, 14, 15 or 16 (this is so it can be used alongside the Korg Volca Sample which is hardcoded to MIDI channels 1-10).
- The LFO module will be upgraded to a new dual LFO module, the 2LFO. All starter racks will then receive this new module instead of the single LFO.
SLEW/EDGE, MM-DIVIDER and released NYLE Filter are all available now.