In advance of Oceania II’s release (release date and pricing TBA), Oceania I is going on sale at $79 (full price: $269). (There will be a significant loyalty discount for current Oceania I owners, which will be valid during (but not beyond) Oceania II’s intro period.)

Oceania II contains more syllables, more than double the number of singers (100), and multiple speeds of releases (for faster phrases).
Oceania II features 12 syllables, 100 singers (versus Oceania I’s 48), and multiple speeds of releases (to accommodate faster playing).
Oceania is a choir library for thematic writing. It’s built from a variety of performance-sourced assets which cater to spontaneity, energy, and syllable cohesion. Part and parcel is the ability to handle variation in phrase length and playing speed.
- 48 singers (24 women and 24 men, recorded separately)
- Ten syllables
- True repetition sampling
- Two types of releases with multiple control options
- Recorded in a hall with 2 mic positions (close and far)
- 48kHz / 24bit
- NCW-compressed, ~2.1 GB total
- Built for Kontakt 5.5.1 and above – full, retail version of Kontakt required
- Download and watermarking via Continuata