Emerald Dream – VPS Avenger Expansion
The Emerald Dream expansion for VPS Avenger contains 75 presets and includes also 64 multi samples and 68 resampler waves. The majority of presets are evolving and have subtle motion which is created by using the granular engine. The overall tone of the library is light ambient, with the exception of the soundscapes which are a bit darker. Each of the presets make use of the 3 macro knobs which can further enhance the sound or give some additional motion to the sound.
Emerald Dream is the last Triple Spiral Audio release before Jaap (running Triple Spiral Audio) takes a summer break as he expects to become a father in about 2 weeks (the baby is due for 25 July, 2020) – The Triple Spiral Audio site will stay up and running and support questions will be answered, please note it might take a bit longer than normal.

I did go through the Emerald Dream – VPS Avenger Expansion and it is a must-have expansion for your VPS Avenger. I love many Soundsets included here, my top one is SC Profiles.
The expansion requires VPS Avenger 1.5.9.

Pricing and Availability
Intro price is €22.00 (MSRP is €28.00)