Sale on Stringache – a Kontakt Library for the Contemporary Horror Market

“Stringache” is a contemporary horror library of mangled string noises for the modern composer of horror cinematic music. See also our Stringache Review – a Kontakt Library for the Contemporary Horror Market by Silence+Other Sounds.

68% off Stringache – a Kontakt Library for the Contemporary Horror Market by Silence+Other Sounds 7

Silence+Other Sounds recorded by using close microphone a large variety of violin stabs and screeches, staccatos, bowed noises, and more. Next step was to shape and transform them all with selected used effects. All professional recorded and sound designed elements offer you an excellent collection of sound sources to produce a booming score.

Some sounds in the STRINGACHE (Affiliate Link) – Cinematic String SFX 01 patch reminded me of a Sci-Fi theme, there are not sound designed for a Sci-Fi movie, but with some sound design, you can take them easily into space. They are pretty scary on their own and help any composer to add the needed effect for a required jumpscare.

Stringache by SilenceOther Sounds Review Cinematic

Whenever you need a subtle violin effect to create tension, a rising cluster effect to grab the audience’s attention or a screaming, ear-piercing string screech stab, Stringache will be your weapon!

Silence+Other Sounds used close microphone techniques to record a huge deal of violin stabs and screeches, pizzicatos, cello staccatos, double bass jetè, crescendos, strident string gestures, bowed noises: all of them have been heavily processed and transformed in unsettling, hair-raising cinematic horror effects.

Stringache (Affiliate Link) is for the contemporary composer of horror cinematic music: whenever you need a subtle violin effect to create tension, a rising cluster effect to grab the audience’s attention or a screaming, ear piercing string screech stab, Stringache will be your weapon.

68% off Stringache – a Kontakt Library for the Contemporary Horror Market by Silence+Other Sounds 8

Inside Stringache

  • 6 folders of high resolution and Royalty-Free sounds
  • A total of 570+ sounds (96 kHz, 24 bit .wav)
  • Crescendos and mangled Rising Clusters (cello, viola, violin)
  • Piercing high note Screeches and Jump Scares
  • Dark Cellos and Double Bass Jetè
  • Twisted string gestures
  • Rhythms and Clocks synched to DAW
  • Adjustable sample offset for each individual sample
  • Construction kit of 270+ source recordings (double bass, cello, viola and violin)
  • 14 Kontakt Instruments (Full version 5.8.1 or later required) with a Custom UI to further manipulate the sounds

This library also comes with a large set of original recordings of Double BassCelloViola & Violin (270+ 96 kHz/24 bit .wav). These sounds have been treated with a very transparent process of EQ and de-noising and you can use them as construction elements to create your own sound effects.

Overall this is a unique and new collection of sounds and effects that fit very well with other libraries and help any composer or sound designer to deliver more unique score for their next assignment.

Stringache (Affiliate Link) is an excellent library focused on the contemporary horror market who is always in need of sounds, scary music, and effect to drive the scene to the audience.

Stringache 1200x160
68% off Stringache – a Kontakt Library for the Contemporary Horror Market by Silence+Other Sounds 9
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