87% Off LSS Solo Strings by Aria Sounds
During the sale for only $39.99 (normally $307), get LSS Solo Strings by ARIA SOUNDS (Affiliate Link).

Powered by the full version of Kontakt, LSS Solo Strings (Affiliate Link) is a sample library comprising of meticulously sampled solo violin, viola, cello, and double bass instruments.

These instruments were sampled in a large beautiful concert hall, with many microphones, making up four main, mixable mic perspectives, close mono, close pair, mid room and far room. The difference in perspectives is huge, meaning you can create sounds ranging from a very dry and up close sound, to a singing, naturally reverberated distant violin – as well as many degrees between the two.

Three legato modes were sampled – slurred, bowed, and portamento. These are easily switchable during use via key switches. One exceptionally useful feature, which we are shocked to say we rarely see in string libraries, is the ability to change bow on the same note. To do this, simply hold the note you want to change bow on, and press the low G key switch.
The intro price offer will end on May 17th, 2020. Get LSS Solo Strings by ARIA SOUNDS (Affiliate Link) for only $39.99.