Angry Woodwinds Pro is a loud (ff-fff), bare-bones solo woodwinds library, recorded in the same space as OceaniaOceania IIAngry Brass Pro – EnsemblesAngry Brass Pro SoloistsVista Strings, the upcoming Voyage, and others.  It consists of five leans, yet energetic instruments – solo flute, solo piccolo, solo bassoon, solo clarinet, and solo oboe – with the capability to vary note lengths fluently from a tongued staccato to a longer marcato.

  • Five individual soloists: solo flute, solo piccolo, solo bassoon, solo clarinet, and solo oboe
  • Multi-functional, looped patches with up to 5 RR on the attacks and releases, featuring performances derived from phrases
  • Two speeds of release samples which react to note length
  • Loud (ff-fff) dynamic, with EQ modeling on CC1/mod-wheel (based on recorded dynamic references)
  • Recorded in a hall* with close and Decca mic positions
  • 48kHz / 24bit
  • NCW-compressed, ~742 MB total
  • Built for Kontakt 5.8.1 and above – full, retail version of Kontakt required
  • Download via Continuata

All of the instruments feature round-robin attacks and releases, the latter of which comes with two speeds to aid with note length flexibility (particularly for shorter notes and, as the flute and piccolo highlight best, measured tremolos). The library is intended for thematic, aggressive-leaning passages contextualized within an orchestral setting (as opposed to exposed, lyrical functions). 

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ANGRY WOODWINDS PRO a Loud Action Toolkit 4

ANGRY WOODWINDS PRO is available now for $99 NORMAL INTRO (through March 25,2021)

If you own Caspian, Vista, Oceania, Oceania II, or Angry Brass Pro – Ensembles (NFRs don’t count), you can use code AWPLOYALTYINTRO to bring the intro from $99 to $69. Your purchase may be subject to verification.

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