ChordPotion is a composition and performance tool that may transform any chord progression into new riffs and melodies in under a second. With real and expert patterns that react to your chords, you can improve the quality of your songs and arrangements. To make your own distinct recipes, combine and modify various playing techniques.

ChordPortion Melody Generator Plug-In Updated to V2.2.0

The new ChordPotion 2.2.0 version adds a variety of choices to not just work with chord notes, but also to create melodies with other scale notes. To make even more complicated music and phrases, combine and mix the different sequencer modes.

Chord Potion Melody Generator Plug In Updated to V2.2.0
Chord Potion Melody Generator Plug-In Updated to V2.2.0

ChordPotion, the popular MIDI sequencer and effect plug-in by FeelYourSound has been updated to version 2.2.0. The new update comes with several new features and improvements, chief among them a revamped user interface that makes the plugin even more intuitive to use.

ChordPotion is a MIDI plug-in that converts incoming chord notes into entirely new phrases, rhythmic chords, and melodies. Combine different rhythmic patterns with each other to create your own works of art. Choose separate settings for each transformer row to generate complex sections swiftly.

You may also export the completed product as standard MIDI files. This allows you to quickly and easily create new songs while experimenting with different playing techniques.

What is a MIDI sequencer?

A MIDI sequencer is a software application that can record, playback, or edit Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) data.

With ChordPotion you can improve versions and arrangements of your songs and harmonies with genuine and professional rhythms that respond to your chords. You may combine various playing methods to generate your own distinct recipes by mixing and matching different styles.

In the updated ChordPotion, you now have more choices to work not just with chord notes, but also scale notes for melodies. This will let you create even more complicated phrases and music. The different sequencer modes can be combined as well to come up with even more unique results.

New in ChordPotion 2.2.0

  • Extended step effect options for “Move note”: Many different scale options like “Move to close scale tonic”.
  • New CFX: Repeat last note trigger (except ‘resume’).
  • New CFX: Replace with scale notes.
  • New step effect: “Add extra note”.
  • Press Cmd (Mac) or Ctrl (Win) in the sequencer editor to create a copy of steps or step effects.
  • Cleaner UI (unused rows hide their elements now).
  • Moved page actions (copy, paste, load, save) from buttons to an icon menu (click on the clipboard icon to find them).
  • Bugfix: CFX “Do this on chord change -> Stop all playing notes” didn’t always stop all playing notes (especially when the step effect “Resume playing notes” was used).
  • Windows: Installer remembers the plug-in directories from now on.


The ChordPotion melody generator plug-in has been updated to version 2.2.0, which comes with several new features and improvements. The main new feature is the ability to create melodies with other scale notes, in addition to chord notes. Additionally, the user interface has been revamped to make the plugin more intuitive to use.

If you are looking for a powerful MIDI sequencer and effect plug-in, be sure to check out ChordPotion by FeelYourSound. The new version comes with several new features and improvements, chief among them a revamped user interface that makes the plugin even more intuitive to use. So why not download the demo and try it out for yourself? You may be surprised at just how powerful this little plug-in really is.

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