unEarthed Sampling’s Cinematic Bundle Sale
unEarthed Sampling creates extremely cinematic instruments that are playable. Right out of the box with very little tweaking which is not all that expensive.

Built for the full retail version of Kontakt. These sounds are a wellspring of inspiration and will become an instant go-to for your next projects. This bundle is normally valued at $138 but will be available for just $25.99 (Affiliate Link) for a limited time only (80% off).

unEarthed Sampling’s Cinematic Bundle featuring 5 of their finest libraries. unEarthed Sampling creates extremely cinematic instruments. They are playable right out of the box with very little tweaking which is not all that expensive
The unEarthed Sampling’s Cinematic Bundle includes
- Siege Drum
Whether a dragon is attacking a town. Or a squad of archers is releasing a hellfire of arrows on to a castle… SIEGE DRUM should be in your composing arsenal to help up the drama of your music! - Stealth Wind
Stealth Wind sets out to capture that “James Horner” cinematic shakuhachi vibe through the use of carefully selected/recorded phrases (both ethnic and cinematic). In addition, it includes some craftily sampled multi-sampled staccatos and sustains.

- Esper Synth
Esper Synth sets out to accurately re-create some of the most iconic sounds heard from Vangelis’ iconic Bladerunner score. It comes with an awesome brassy lead and pad found in “Main Titles” and “Blade Runner Blues” - Spaceology
The instrument patches are solid for your next sci-fi or horror score. The VOX patch is great for remixers and space enthusiasts alike! There is no other Kontakt instrument on the planet like Spaceology! - Hammer-On
The Hammer-On technique is usually utilized to bridge notes together… or for killer solos. For this library, it is the sole articulation used. Played on a Stratocaster which has been cleanly recorded and multi-sampled.
Built for the full retail version of Kontakt. Tese sounds are a wellspring of inspiration and will become an instant go-to for your next projects.
unEarthed Sampling’s Cinematic Bundle Features
- 5 Unique Cinematic Sound Design Libraries
- Siege Drum – Cinematic and EPIC Medieval Drum Multisamples
- Stealth Wind – Cinematic Shakuhachi Flute
- Esper Synth – Bladerunner infused pads, leads, and perc
- Spaceology – Orbital Sound Module
- Hammer-On – Cinematic Ambient Electric Guitar Multisamples
- All Available for Kontakt (full version)

Originally $138, this bundle is now available for just $25.99 (Affiliate Link) for a limited time only – you save $112! This is an amazing offer you should not miss!
All Audio Plugin Deals Affiliate income will be donated to Kevin Richardson Wildlife Sanctuary. The Kevin Richardson Wildlife Sanctuary’s mission is to provide a self-sustaining African carnivore sanctuary for the purposes of wild species preservation through education, awareness, and funding, especially pertaining to the rapid decline of large carnivores in Africa due to habitat loss, human-predator conflict, the illegal bushmeat trade, unscrupulous hunting, disease, and their illegal trade.

Kevin Richardson Wildlife Sanctuary
The Kevin Richardson Wildlife Sanctuary transforms the way humans think, interact and behave toward the keeping of large carnivores. The sanctuary’s ultimate goal is to minimize the number of large carnivores being kept in captivity and to highlight the direct link between the cub petting industry and the ‘canned’ hunting industry, by educating the unsuspecting public to the horrors associated with this unscrupulous practice. Ultimately we would like to see both practices outlawed. The sanctuary aims to maximize efforts towards keeping carnivores in their natural habitats and is currently home not only to lion, but spotted hyena, striped hyena, and black leopard.
The lion population occupies less than 20% of its former range in Africa. Numbers are estimated between 15 000 and 30 000 depending on who is asked. More recently scientists have started to settle on a number of 20 000 however more research is needed into the actual numbers. If allowed to carry on declining at the current rate we will have no lions left in the wildlife in as little as 20 years.
Our vision is to raise awareness about the plight of lions and other carnivores in the wildlife and help prevent their habitat loss via human encroachment and conflict (revenge killing), unscrupulous hunting and illegal trade. The sanctuary’s efforts are buttressed by its many collaborative efforts with other like-minded international organizations that provide care, support, academic and scientific research and other such programs that support the shared values of the sanctuary.
The sanctuary provides the animals in its care the ability to live out full lives, in an open and natural environment, by providing cutting edge enrichment programs and health care. Education of both adults and children are at the bedrock of how the sanctuary aims to accomplish its goals via documentaries, films, social media, and tourism.