Java Mallets – Unique Mallets With Indonesian Flavor
Java Mallets is an inspirational instrument that offers a selection of unique mallet sounds combined with a mythical Indonesian flavor. Because of its particular character, it suits a lot of many styles of music.
Cinematique Instruments obtained the traditional sound aesthetic of a Javanese gamelan orchestra in particular and performed it to fit their special way of thinking about what Cinematique Instruments expect from instruments to make modern music with – and it doesn’t matter if it’s a cool movie score or a fine pop song. Each instrument is equipped with multiple articulations to provide a wide range of sound possibilities.

Gamelan is traditional ensemble music from Indonesia based around mallet instruments, most commonly metallophones. For Java Mallets, Cinematique Instruments was inspired by the Javanese style tradition which is characterized by a softer nature.
For a long time, Cinematique Instruments has been fascinated by the unique timbres the Gamelan offers and have been searching for a way to capture them to implement the sounds into our music.
Searching for an opportunity to record Cinematique Instruments formed a cooperation with Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum and their curator Hartmut Zänder to record their exhibits. While the orchestra of the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum consists of instruments that were built around 1900, the private collection of Hartmut Zänder contains modern built instruments which bring new colors to Java Mallets.

16 Mallet Articulations Cinematique Instruments have collected a ridiculous amount of single instruments, with each articulation containing related instruments being playable over several octaves so you can play them over the full range of the keyboard. Additionally, Cinematique Instruments played each of these groups with mallets Cinematique Instruments admire and felt fitting for the according to the instrument. 5 Bowed Articulations Cinematique Instruments always enjoyed bowing things not supposed to be bowed so Cinematique Instruments seized the chance and bowed the Gender and the Saron. An instrument supposed to get bowed though is the rebab, which Cinematique Instruments recorded metal and yarn stringed. Since this has become a quite rough-sounding collection Cinematique Instruments complemented this category with a rubbed gong with a calming character. 4 String Articulations In order to furthermore enrich the versatility of Java Mallets Cinematique Instruments recorded a rebab metal stringed and a rebab yarn stringed. Each of them is a plucked and a spiccato variation. | Ombak Simulation Ombak is a technique in Gamelan music doubling an instrument with a slightly detuned companion creating a chorus-like shimmering effect. Appreciating this Cinematique Instruments created such a companion for each articulation letting you control the amount of the detuning and the stereo width. Sound Shaping Besides the regular tools such as envelope (attack, decay) there is an EQ, a reverb, and a delay as well as additional FX options such as octaver, drive, rotary or tremolo. This is perfect to quickly change and shape the entire sound of the Java Mallets. 16 Presets In order to show the versatility and possibility to build textures, there are 16 presets available. Each one stands for a different way of playing the Java Mallets. |
Java Mallets Instruments
Gender / 5 Articulations
Is a metallophone consisting of thin bronze plates suspended over tuned resonators. We played our gender instruments with Tabuh, hammer, rubber mallet, finger and brush. It mainly consists of a Slenthem in the bass, a Gender Barung in middle range and a Gender Panerus in the highs.
Saron / 5 Articulations
Is a metallophone consisting of thick bronze plates placed over a resonating frame. We played our Saron instruments with Tabuh, yarn mallet, rubber mallet and knuckles. It mainly consists of a Saron Demung or Slenthem in the bass, a Saron Barung in middle range and a Saron Panerus in the highs.
Gambang / 3 Articulations
Is a idiophone consisting of thick wooden plates placed over a resonating frame. We played our Gambang instruments with tabuh, hammer and rubber mallet.
Gongs / 4 Articulations
Is a collection of several kettle gongs consisting of bronze placed over a resonating frame. Here we offer an articulation of big kettle gongs called Kenong and small kettle gongs called Bonangs which are played with Tabuh, rubber mallet and knuckles. Each of them is enriched with a collection of Gong Ageng and Kempul for the bass regions.
Rebab / 4 Articulations
Is a bowed string instrument with a drum like resonance body. We offer a yarn stringed and a metallic stringed option each played plucked and spiccato.
Bowed / 4 Articulations
For further sound design options we bowed a gender, a saron and a rebab as well as we rubbed a big Gong Ageng.
Pricing and Availability
Java Mallets is available now.