Delight2 Scenes for Omnisphere by Joseph Hollo Review

Joseph Hollo has spent months creating Delight1 the first version of an Omnisphere preset collection for the modern composer, now with Delight2 Scenes a new inspiring sound set has been published. The new release is a suitable companion for Delight 1. Joseph Hollo did send a review copy with no strings attached.


After download un-pack the file. You install in within Omni 2: Install the .omnisphere file.  By this method, all the patches will be imported into their proper locations. Incorporated are 16 (+1) Multis beside 120 Patches, 12 Cubase project files and Midi files to show you examples how to use the patches from Joseph Hollo. It is an Omnisphere 2.4 soundset.


Delight2 is a special preset collection for Omnisphere 2. Joseph describes the presets as a tool that “enables you to paint colors, situations, moods for film scenes with just a few targeted paint strokes.”

Once again like the earlier release Delight2 is emotional, fragile, developing, lush, and airy collection of vibes and sounds. Inspired by John Williams, Michael Stearns, Robert Rich, Steve Roach or Nils Frahm.

Joseph Hollo included drones, arps, bass, leads, keys, percussion sounds, floating pads and more. All instruments and sounds are produced in a very musical way. Everything fits well into projects and is ready to use.

Delight2 Scenes for Omnisphere
Delight2 Scenes for Omnisphere by Joseph Hollo

User interface & Usability

As this is sound bank, the UI depends on the UI of Omnisphere 2 UI. If have used Omni 2 before you feel right at home.

Rating:  Five out of five stars

Delight2  is some real Omniesphere gem and it right for you to score to picture. Joseph Hollo included many unusual and highly usable sounds, soundscapes, arps and sequences that are a perfect fit for your compositions. If you want to try the vibe, there is a reduced free patches version for you to download.

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