Ether Fields a Falcon Expansion by UVI Review
Ether Fields is based on sounds developed by Simon Stockhausen in early 2016. UVI released this advance Falcon expansion library in early 2017.
Simon Stockhausen is an artist based in Germany. Since 2008 Simon also produces sound effects and production music for various online sound libraries and designs sounds for software companies like UVI, Native Instruments, Steinberg, Applied Acoustic Systems and Camel Audio. 2009 Simon started his sound design website patchpool, where he publishes commercial and donationware patches for many software synthesizers, FX plug-ins, and samplers as well as sound files for post-production and sound design. Simon has composed and arranged music for many German theatres, the Berliner Ensemble, Schauspielhaus Düsseldorf, Staatstheater Mainz, Schauspiel Frankfurt and worked with directors like Peter Palitzsch, Burkhard C. Kosminski, and András Fricsay. UVI granted a review copy with no strings attached.
After purchase, UVI or possibly a reseller will send you a code that you can use to register the library with UVI and as well assign Ether Fields to your iLOK and UVI account. After downloading and activating the library in iLOK, you can use the library within Falcon. Falcon is required; it is not compatible with UVI Workstation.

Ether Fields stands out from the existing Falcon expansion. Simon Stockhausen has created deep & atmospheric pads, luxurious and moving soundscapes. Simon added the possibility to control the programming of the “synth” through MIDI or OSC.

The 100 included presets are sorted thematically
- Bells (Plucks)
- Granular
- Hybrid
- Pads
- Sequences
- Soundscapes
- Synths
- Wavetable
Overall the signature sound of Simon can be detected in every single patch.
User interface & Usability
The UI of the expansion is easy to use, design and graphics by Anthony Hak Nathaniel Reeves. Both have done a great job to create an accessible with its straightforward to use customized interface. Simon Stockhausen managed to make many valuable Falcon features available as integrated pieces of his presets. Those parameters can be used by yourself to shape the sounds with the “guidance” of Simon further to something radically new.
Rating: Five out of five stars
Simon crafted a single Falcon expansion pack which stands out of the available Falcon expansions. The Simon factor is recognizable in the included vibrant sounding patches. You can use the presets straight away, play several like a very well design keyboard synth and use the sounds in your sound design to create your own Simon inspired sounds. Overall you get a collection of creative sonic sensations which can be easily altered through the included controls.