Meteor by UVI Review

UVI joined the market with of riser, swell and other trailer and score goodies a modern composer needs these days. In our review today we looking at UVI’s Meteor. After so many stylish and vintage driven and great sounding libraries like Analog MotionCinematic ShadesSubcultureVintage Vault 2, and more UVI has introduced Meteor into this mature market.

Meteor by UVI Main Page
Meteor Main Page

UVI did capture field recordings and foley in all kind of different place. The team from UVI recorded and compiled a great list of processed and organic sounding hybrid tonal elements. In a nutshell, you get lots of new sounds and effects in this very aggressively priced library. UVI did send a review copy with no strings attached.


After purchase you register code with UVI and download the instrument, a quick iLok activation is needed, and you are ready to use Meteor in UVI Workstation version 2.6.15+, or Falcon version 1.4.1+.


Meteor is a leading general package of orchestral elements, risers, swells, hits, booms, percussion hits,  stutters, pulses added a vast library to your toolbox. If you are a producer, sound designer, compose to picture there is so much in this library that is competing very successful also compare to other libraries at higher costs.

Meteor by UVI Presets

There are tons of presets included to get started. Besides all the needed whooshes, bangs, stutter, and other involved sound design must-haves you get textures, glitches, warps, and orchestral sounds. Overall they sound great and are very usable. With the added features to shape and also randomize you can generate sounds that are indeed yours to differentiate yourself from your competition who also obtained Meteor. This kind of functionality is excellent and beautiful to have available in the library. I would take it always further and use one of the effects plugins in my toolbox to mangle the sounds.

User interface & Usability

UVI has found the holy grail when it comes to designing their latest products. Meteor is in that lineup of exceptionally developed products which are easy to use and also fun to work with. You get all the needed tools and access to settings to shape the sounds further. You can very quickly create epic and cinematic elements.

Meteor by UVI UI Pages

Rating:  Five out of five stars

Meteor is a must Sound Effects collection have for a composer, sound designer or producer who works on games, film, trailer, ads, or music production to add moods and excitement. The investment made will be returned when finishing your next creations. UVI keeps amazing me with new libraries that gab a leading spot in my toolbox.

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