83% OFF: City Lights (VST, AU) by BRSYNTH

BRSYNTH’s City Lights is a virtual instrument sampler workstation with 160 different musical instruments for contemporary music production. It has been designed to help musicians create their own songs or remixes of popular tracks, without having to worry about technical issues such as tuning and latency.

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BRSYNth City Lights offers an innovative and versatile new approach to modern music production, allowing a musician to create a complete song right from their laptop, without the need for any other software or hardware. BRSYNth City Lights provides musicians with everything they need to compose, record, and produce professional-quality productions in one package!

Modern music production

Modern music production has changed the way we listen to and produce songs and has introduced a whole new range of genres and styles. These days, people are more likely to create their own tracks than wait for a record label or company to get involved. Sounds like you should be up on all the latest developments in the industry!

160 different musical instruments are included in Virtual Studio, which is a virtual instrument sampler workstation for contemporary music production.

Pricing and Availability

Normally $150, this unique plugin BRSYNTH’s City Lights is now available for only $24.99 (you save $125) for a limited time only.

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