Rathgar Pipe Organ by Edu Prado Sounds

This unique library captures with detail all the character and nuance of this historical instrument. Preserving all the natural imperfections and all acoustic interactions of the sound of the organ in the church, bringing life to the instrument.

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Rathgar Pipe Organ by Edu Prado Sounds – 63% Off! 7

The Rathgar Pipe Organ (Affiliate Link) was sampled and programmed in a way to replicate the experience of going to a church and being immersed and surrounded by the powerful and magical sound of the pipe organ.

The library offers 2 mic positions (close and far) providing unique depth and control over the sound. It comes with 22 NKI instruments – 12 pristine natural patches and 10 processed creative patches – and various built-in effects.

Powerful and immersive authentic organ sound, in an easy-to-use versatile library.

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Rathgar Pipe Organ by Edu Prado Sounds – 63% Off! 8

The Rathgar Pipe Organ (Affiliate Link) is a beautifully sampled library that captures the authentic sound of the 100 plus years old pipe organ from the Christ Chuch Rathgar, in the south of Dublin, Ireland.

The Rathgar Pipe Organ is sampled with 2 mic positions, bringing unparalleled character and control over its magical and powerful sound.

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Rathgar Pipe Organ by Edu Prado Sounds – 63% Off! 9

NOTE: Requires the full retail (paid) version of Kontakt 5.8 or newer

Pricing and Availability

This is a limited-time offer you should not miss the Rathgar Pipe Organ (Affiliate Link)! For just $44.00 (normally $120), get the newly released Rathgar Pipe Organ (Affiliate Link) by Edu Prado Sounds!

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Rathgar Pipe Organ by Edu Prado Sounds – 63% Off! 10
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