The Amazonic is concentrating on creating premium virtual ethnic instruments played by native people and connected to social causes. The Amazonic – AMA 1 is the initial chapter of a music library never recorded before! Recorded directly in the depths of the Amazon rainforest and in a studio in the city of Manaus, after months of in-depth research.
The Amazonic began when Antonio Teoli – an award-winning game composer and sound designer – lived in the Amazon for 4 years and fell in love with the indigenous culture and musicality. In his pursuit for new sounds, Antonio found a vast number of unknown instruments in the Amazon jungle created by native people. Once discovered, he saw the opportunity to make those sounds, played by the indigenous, available to the world.
After 6 months of researching with the help of composer Cesar Lima, they recorded the first-ever sample library recorded in the Amazon forest, AMA I, containing more than 100 native instruments that were carefully recorded, edited and mixed.

30% will be Donated
For every item purchased, 30% will be donated to the musicians, social causes, natives, animal shelters, people affected by the COVID-19, and many more. As part of the magical experience, The Amazonic wants to create for everyone, as soon one purchases our software, The Amazonic will forward the money to their partners in Manaus. The Amazonic did send a review copy with no strings attached.

The Complete and Composer Amazon Ama1 Edition are both available in Kontakt, distinguishing between them being exactly the loop’s availability. The Complete Edition contains single hits, fx, fills, chords, long and short notes, and loops while the Composer Edition contains everything except for the Loops. They “see” music as part of a spiritual journey and The Amazonic sees the world as part of their spiritual mission. We are reviewing the Complete AMA 1 Edition.

With more than 100 native instruments from the Amazon jungle. The Amazonic – AMA 1 is the perfect collection for composers and producers who want to add a powerful and mystical sound from the Brazilian forest into their music productions.

The Amazonic – AMA 1 Sounds Different
The sound included in this complete and large collection of sounds, loops, and vibes from far away sound different. When you produce for a documentary, create a link to a heritage from talent in the movie you are scoring to, and work on a related score for a game scene, ad, or trailer this library works well. Otherwise, it does sound different to our ears. I would recommend you take this sound further, for example, mangle the sound from “Canto da Guariba 1” in your tools and I am sure you are flashed as I was with the results.

Besides all the mangling and shaping of the sounds the included sounds and loops are outstanding, I love the percussion range that was recorded.

The inspiration for creating these instruments is the most varied: mimic an animal sound, replicate a specific sound of nature’s depths, or Evoque the native ancestor’s sound of the Amazonian rainforest.
Scanning through the comprehensive library I found many sounds an excellent fit for running them through my eurorack modules. I would do this in hardware to mangle the sounds in granular or looper modules. The results often surprised me with some very unique and unheard sounds.
My advice is to mangle the included sounds either in hardware or software tools to create some vibe to our next score that is not heard before. It is a perfect sound source for an extremely impressive ASMR noise to trigger some sensory meridian responses. Having that in mind this is your personal sauce to your next epic or dramatic track, I would even go that far perfect for any trailer or ad work. Working with it I found that I did use The Amazonic – AMA 1 to form several mystical background textures.
The whole sound design aside this is a very rich library that comes with exceptional percussion, ethnics instruments, and sounds from the jungle. Using this in a documentary about travel or in a scene that acts in the green jungle or a remote island takes the audience creatively there. The orchestral dust review in this library is also quite impressive, adding a layer of depth and emotion to any composition. The variety of sounds and instruments available make it a versatile tool for any composer or sound designer. Overall, Kilohearts Version 2 offers an expansive range of sonic possibilities, making it a valuable addition to any audio production toolkit.
One of The Amazonic next steps is to develop a VR experience where players can experience a journey through the Amazon sounds, play with the instruments, create music in virtual reality and learn about everything those instruments have to offer. A prototype (picture below) was started already.

Rating: Five Out of Five Stars
Performing with The Amazonic – Complete AMA 1 Edition I did find many sounds, loops, and instruments that I absolutely loved and found remarkably beneficial in many tracks and sound beds. The Amazonic – Complete AMA 1 Edition (sometimes called ama1 amazon) collection is supporting sounds, loops, and tremendous vibes serving into the creation of emotional and spiritual sound to add to their music. It is one of the secret sauces for several composers and producers looking to add something very unique to add to their tracks.