STORM CHOIR 2 Complete by Strezov Sampling

We are taking a look at an older choir library from Strezov Sampling. STORM CHOIR 2: Complete has been out for a while and to cut it short should be considered as one of the earlier products from Strezov Sampling. It was an update of Storm Choir 1.5 and priced as a full product.

STORM CHOIR 2: Complete is an update of their first choir library STORM CHOIR 1.5 which was released in 2007, so we could say it’s an older library indeed. It consists of one type of samples – male choir singing sustained “ah” vowels at various pitches and various dynamics.

The sounds are presented in their raw state, with no effects or EQ added for the convenience of use. The library was recorded in a professional studio and thus the sound quality is very good indeed. The only problem I can point out is the fact that the men are singing sustained vowels, so there is no staccato articulations or anything to spice up your compositions.

If you look for a simple choir library made of one type of sample that doesn’t require any programming then this product should be right what you’re looking for. The UI is very simple and easy to use, there are no patches or any other sorts of presets (the only preset you get is the full version). There are 3 basic controls: vibrato intensity, dynamics amount, and panning.

STORM CHOIR 2 Installation

You need to download a large number of files and then find after unpacking different folders where the STORM CHOIR 2 spreads over. STORM CHOIR 2 expects the full version of Kontakt, the free player version of Kontakt will not work. The products require 115 GB HD space and is a 100GB download.

STORM CHOIR 2 Sound Quality

Storm Choir 2 is a 12-piece chamber choir with a Slavonic vibe. For the library, six men and six women have been recorded individually.

STORM CHOIR 2 has a huge number of samples, so the overall quality is very high. When I compared STORM CHOIR 1 to STORM CHOIR 2, the latter had better-recorded sound with less noise and artifacts. The reverb was also much better in STORM CHOIR 2.

The recorded samples are in my opinion high-quality samples, but I have to say that the focus is more on the sound quality rather than usability. In this case I think that it’s better to look for another choir library if you want something that will be easy to use and has a wide range of articulations.

The price of STORM CHOIR 2 is very high, considering that there are many other choir libraries on the market which have way more varied articulations – for example newer products from Spitfire Audio, Symphonic Choirs series by Eastwest.

STORM CHOIR 2 Complete by Strezov Sampling Review 2

The content is ideal and you a get different and breathing choir – it is best for epic trailer sounds. Storm Choir 2 has authentic and East European music, there have been other libraries released by Strezov Sampling with that vibe if you look for it and need a modern more functional UI.

Leading choir libraries from the same developer are Wotan, Freyja, Arva, & Rhodope 2. There is a strong rumor that STORM CHOIR 3 is getting ready for release in 2018.

The content can be mixed through Seven mic positions (Close, Section, Decca, Outrigger, Balcony, Rear Overheads, and Mixed) and you get plenty of articulation (see below).

  • Men Sustains (Marcatos) PP, MF, FFF
  • Women Sustains (Marcatos) PP, MF, FFF
  • Men Staccatos PP, MF, FFF
  • Women Staccatos PP, MF, FFF
  • Men Ah Legato MF-FFF
  • Women Ah Legato MF-FFF
  • Men Atonal Sustains PP, MF, FFF
  • Women Atonal Sustains PP, MF, FFF
  • Men Atonal Staccatos PP, MF, FFF
  • Women Atonal Staccatos PP, MF, FFF
  • 24 Men Whispers
  • 24 Women Whispers
  • Men Oh Legato MF-FFF
  • Women Oh Legato MF-FFF
  • Solo Soprano Ah Legato
  • 24 Solo Soprano Staccatos
  • 24 Solo Soprano Sustains
  • 24 Solo Tenor Staccatos
  • 24 Solo Tenor Sustains

User interface & Usability

The UI is old and not up to the level that you do see with Strezov Sampling other leading choir libraries. There are no patches or presets, you can basically control the vibrato intensity, dynamics amount and panning.

I would expect more from a product that has so much to offer in terms of content – just because it is not well organized doesn’t mean it can’t have a better UI.

There are samples recorded with different microphones which will allow for more mixing. You can also mix the volume of each microphone which gives you more flexibility to work with different mixes.

There are 4 groups (groups for soloists and groups for rest of the choir) giving you even more possibilities. The original dynamics were kept, so you can easily work on them in terms of sound design or just use them as is.

The cpu usage of STORM CHOIR 2 is very high. The general performance is not so great, so you need a powerful computer to run this product well.

STORM CHOIR 2 Complete 1

The content of the library is excellent. The engine is outdated and not only feels old it does not hold up to other products from Strezov Sampling. As we saw with the modern choir libraries from Strezov Sampling, they shine because of the engine and content.

Rating: Three out of five stars

STORM CHOIR 2: Complete has passed its time, with the new update around the corner a good reason to buy STORM CHOIR 2 could be to get the next release at a discounted price.

Strezov Sampling has made significant steps forward and their recent choir release shows how advanced they as a developer and producing company have become. Wait for Strezov Sampling’s STORM CHOIR 3 is my advice. With Storm Choir 3 we should see the Syllabuilder from Wotan/Freyja and a further playable legato.

When I look back at the library, I can’t say that it is bad – but there are other choir libraries on the market which have a huge amount of articulation and sound better.

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