Solo Voice: Kat
Waverunner Audio is releasing seven sample libraries each one per day for seven days. Each Library is just £10 each for the fundraising period. For every sale, Hometree plant a tree. Each library part of the Seven Days will be £10 until the 18th of November, after which they’ll go up to £25.
If you want to support this initiative and plant a tree purchase Solo Voice: Kat and help to grow some new trees.

‘mmm’ legato: a highly playable, cinematic legato of the ‘mmm’ articulation with vibrato control
cc1 for vibrato control
‘mmm’ sustain: ‘mmm’ sustains with x2 rr and vibrato control
cc1 for vibrato control
Twilight Navigation: an ethereal pad turning Kat’s voice into a choir
no cc control
Twilight Navigation (modwheel FX): as above but with added CC1 control for FX textures
cc1 for gate control
- Recorded at 96k, presented at 24bit/48k
- 160mb (Kontakt compressed from 400)
- Requires the full version of Native Instruments Kontakt 5.6 +
- Individually watermarked to you
- Requires Pulse to download
All libraries are using the new Pulse downloader app to download the Seven Days libraries. Download Pulse here.

Hometree is a pretty essential idea, plant more trees. Hometree is on the Atlantic coast of Ireland, it’s wet, windy and cold and it’s where they first started a community garden, in an unused plot of ground about 100m elevation and about 600m from the coast. When Hometree planted the first apple trees the NGO were told they were mad, that trees found it difficult to grow here, but they didn’t, they grew tall and strong and produce delicious fruits.
This was Hometree’s reconnection to trees, they saw the birds come back and the soil in the garden improves, biodiversity, more life on the hill and the seeds of change blew in all directions. One direction was here to Hometree, a group of people inspired by the lack of trees in County Clare in West Ireland and hope that they could do our part in regenerating and reforesting this beautiful mythical part of Mother Earth.