IR002 METAL OBJECT Impulse Responses
Following on from IR001 GLASS Impulse Responses by HISS and a ROAR, this library of impulse responses explores the acoustics of 43 metal objects via three specific approaches.

1. Empty Metal Object IRs
Ranging in size and scale from a tiny soda can to a huge grain silo, sweeps were captured using an MKH8020 mics, stereo where possible with the large objects, while the very small objects were captured using a DPA4060 mic.
2. Pitch shifted IRs at half speed & quarter speed.
Processed versions of each IR are included, pitch shifting and slowing the IR to half speed and quarter speed to expand its use with a wider range of source material via easy preview.
3. Iterated IRs
As per GLASS IR001, I iterated the process by playing the captured IR back into the same object.

In total, this collection contains 275 24bit 96kHz Impulse Responses.
Check out the Making Of video to get a very rapid idea of their use applied to a beat and to DX. There are also soundcloud previews of every IR below.

These IRs have been tested in the following Convolution plugins.
AudioEase Altiverb – check their great Pipe IRs video
LiquidSonics Reverberate
Avid Space
Apple Space Designer – Logic or Mainstage
Ableton Convolution Reverb
Reaper ReaVerb
Waves IR1
Melda Production MConvolutionEZ (free)
Impulse Record Convology XT (free)

Pricing and Availability
IR002 METAL OBJECT Impulse Responses is available now.