Endorphin.es Spaceship #5

To be honest, I got a bit stuck with this project because the Spaceship requires the forthcoming Ground Control sequencer. It just doesn’t want to fly without it, and Grand Terminal remained an ‘issue’ until now. So I decided to dive into the Shuttle again. The Shuttle is a great system by itself, but the Grand Terminal only has two voice inputs, while the Furthrrrr Generator can output nine waveforms at the same time.

I wanted to use the Cockpit mixer to exploit that potential and share some cool patch ideas. But then I realized I had this really powerful SoundMachines Arches controller waiting to control something but couldn’t find the time and a good companion. Duh! The Shuttle loves a controller like that. In fact, it’s almost too good to be true. Together, they make a Shuttle Easel. Arches is like having eight Lightstrip modules.

Cinematic Laboratory on BandCamp

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