Creating A Preset In Soundtoys Effect Rack – Rhythmic Texture

How can you use the Soundtoys Effect Rack to create extra interest in lifeless sounds? In this video, I deconstruct a rhythmic textural preset to show you how I created it from scratch! By using the Soundtoys Effect Rack, I was able to add depth and character to the original lifeless sound. The combination of different effects and manipulations helped to bring the sound to life and make it more engaging for the listener. In the background noise removal tutorial, I will show you the step-by-step process of how I used the Effect Rack to transform the mundane sound into something unique and interesting. The Soundtoys Effect Rack allowed me to create movement and dimension in the sound by using tools like filtering, modulation, and delay. This added a dynamic quality to the sound, giving it a sense of space and movement within the audio environment. By manipulating the parameters within the Effect Rack, I was able to transform the sound from a flat, lifeless texture into a vibrant and engaging element within the overall mix.

In this video I discuss:

  • Using the Chrystalizer to create a shimmer effect
  • Creating rhythm in your sounds using the Tremolator
  • Getting the right blend between the different plugins using the mix knobs

Experiment with your sounds, and have fun!

The preset ‘All That Shimmers’ is taken from my preset pack Rhythmic Textures, a collection of 25 rhythmic textural presets for Soundtoys Effect Rack.

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