This year 808 day also marks 8 years since the introduction of Tiptop Audio very successful line of 808 modules. To celebrate this event Tiptop Audio is offering a limited-time bundle deal on a set of modules – $349 which is over half off! Contact your favorite retailer, for example, Signal Sounds in the UK.

The set includes the legendary Bass Drum, Snare, Hats, Cowbell, Maracas and Rimshot. Classic electronic analog drum sounds are now more affordable than ever.
Time and supplies are limited.
808 – Analog Drum Modules
BD808 is part of Tiptop Audio series of drum modules that brings analog percussion into the modular synth world, instantly turning your system into a self-contained music machine. Its small size, minimalist design, and modern production methods have allowed Tiptop Audio to bring the world’s most famous bass drum sound generator back at a very low cost. The real thing is here again.
All these little, but unique, features make integrating this legendary sound generator into your modular easy, unleashing the power of real analog drums and making those speaker cone shake.
The SD808 is the TR-808’s analog snare drum circuit adapted for use in Eurorack modular synthesizer format and was designed to sound like a fresh-out.of-the-box, 1980s TR-808 snare. Adapting the circuit to the modular format has allowed us to add special features like independent accent levels, a high-powered gain stage, a dual input pulse-shaper, and an adjustable noise source, all without compromising the signature sound of the TR-808 snare drum.
The HATS808 is the TR-808’s real, analog closed and open hi-hat circuits adapted for use in Eurorack modular synthesizer format and teste to sound just like it did back in the ’80s. Adapting to modular format has allowed us to add some special features for each voice like independent accent levels, a high-powered gain stage, and dual input pulse-shaper. Filter Q and VC-Q knobs were added to the main band-pass filter for additional tuning and to allow you to generate crushed tones and self-oscillation at the knob’s max position, all without compromising the signature sound of the TR-808 hi-hat.
The CB808 sound is generated by two square wave oscillators that go through bandpass filtering and the get mixed together. It’s a simple analog circuit with a very cool output. What makes the 808 cowbell sound so well know is that it doesn’t feel constant, but rather slightly spacey. The internal pitch-modulating LFO that Tiptop Audio added takes this effect even further, but stays within the bounds of the 808 sound, keeping it very musical and easy to play with.
The RS808 comes with two switches that give a total of 4 different positions: two are the classic Rimshot and Claves sounds as found on the original, and two are unique to the RS808 module adding a range of snappy “click” sounds the circuit is capable of producing. Two control knobs were added, each has a different effect on the selected sound. In general, these controls can be categorized ad Pitch and Snap as they control the frequency of the oscillator and decay of the envelope generator. The RS808 is an exact reproduction of the original circuit which sounds like a fresh machine analog coming off the assembly line back in the ’80s.