Songwriting Guitar is “On The House” by 8Dio

Ever thought about making a song like Coldplay, Oasis or Tracy Chapman? Look no further. Songwriting Guitar VST is a sample tool made for songwriters, composers and producers that need instant- and authentic guitar strums and licks. 8Dio analyzed a variety of top 40 rock- and pop songs and identified the most common major and minor chord progressions.

  • Acoustic and Electric Guitar Strums and Licks
  • Direct download / Cloud Server System
  • Acoustic Guitar Strums (Major/Minor Chords)
  • Electric (clean) Guitar Strums (Major/Minor Chords)
  • Electric (distorted) Guitar Strums (Major/Minor Chords)
  • Electric (clean / distorted) Solo licks (Major/Minor Chords)
  • Host-Tempo Synchronization (adjust to your sequencer tempo)
  • Full Retail version of Kontakt 5.5 or later required

Songwriting Guitar VST contains all the essential chords needed to sketch down or build an entire song. The library contains three different types of guitars (acoustic, electric clean and electric distorted) played in the four most common rhythms used for songwriting. All you have to do is to hold down a single key (ex. C) and the tool will play the songwriting chord related to the key. The library fully follows the tempo of your host sequencer and also has a variety of FX (ex. delay, lofi, distortion, flanger, phaser, cabinet) build in that can be triggered instantly from your keyboard.

Songwriting Guitar is 22On The House22 by 8Dio Downloader
Free Kontakt Library Songwriting Guitar is "On The House" by 8Dio 4

The three guitars used in the recordings were: Epiphone Custom, Fender Strat TexMex, ESP LTD Deluxe, which were processed through a 1962 Drawmer pre-amp.


You can get the Songwriting Guitar here.

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