United Strings of Europe by Auddict Review
United Strings of Europe by Auddict Review
Today we’ll be checking out a comprehensive string library from Auddict – United Strings of Europe. String libraries are something close to many composers’ hearts, and as an avid collector of such libraries this one is no exception. There are however, a lot of expectations for a string library to live up to, so we’ll discuss just how this one holds up.
Auddict is a relatively newer sample provider, focusing on orchestral and cinematic libraries such as the Master Brass collection and Drums of the Deep. They produce ambitious libraries – albeit with ambitious prices also – and many of their libraries feature an array of microphone positions recorded to provide flexibility of mixing. Auddict did send a review copy with no strings attached.
United Strings of Europe contains 1st Violins, 2nd Violins, Violas, Celli and Basses in the standard ensemble size, recorded in a concert hall with slightly different positioning depending on what microphone you’re using. We get legato and portamento, staccato and sautille (or what some refer to as “tapped spiccato” or “spiccatissimo”), tremolo and major/minor trills, pizzicato, and harmonics for all sections (except basses, which don’t have portamento). We also get 7 microphone positions for all sections (6 for basses) which includes a few mono mics for precise panning.
Installation merely requires the downloaded .zip files to be extracted to your folder of choice, and no registration is necessary as the library requires the full version of Kontakt to run. The download however, is provided in-browser – which can be an annoyance as each .zip file must be downloaded manually, and the library ships as uncompressed WAV samples rather than Native Lossless, so you’ll be staring at a whopping 50G+ download broken into separate parts.
Once you’ve gotten over the download hump, you’ll have to wait a while for each patch to load initially – as stated before the samples are uncompressed. I can’t criticize Auddict too harshly for this move, but I’ve been seeing a lot of these uncompressed libraries pop up of late and I can’t help but think it’s a decision made just to make libraries appear “heftier”. While I think this kind of approach is rather backwards and overburdening to customers’ hard drives, I can’t speak for Auddict’s reasons myself so I’ll just get straight to how this library sounds.
The sound is, to put it simply, great. The strings sound articulate and controlled, and have a subtle lushness to them that’s comparable to “Chamber Strings” by Spitfire Audio, only not as wet or imperfect sounding. There’s a satisfying balance between starkness and molto vibrato in the longs that make these strings fit into a wider variety of applications – whether it be emotional and cinematic or stoic and classical.
The microphone positions each provide their unique perspective of the instruments’ interaction with its environment – the decca tree is fat and wide, the rig microphones are reverberant and detailed, and the room mics are spacious and soft, and the spot mics (which come in condenser and ribbon flavors) provide a dry closeness that can be used to create a more intimate chamber sound.
Every section but the basses have two condenser spot mics, so if you want a wide yet focused cinematic sound, you can pan these two hard left and hard right and it sounds great. This control allows you to position the strings wherever you want for the most part.
Each articulation is fairly symmetrical – you can key switch between legato and tremolo, or trills and shorts while maintaining seamless air and position, so the library gets top marks for self-unity. The harmonics are also quite nice and have a silky air about them. My personal favorites though are the two short articulations – staccato and sautille (pronounced soh-tee-yey). This is what I believe to be the library’s strong point. You might initially think “what’s the big deal?” when playing, but further use and application reveals just how use-able these two simple articulations are in this library.
I’ve heard many libraries that sport more short notes than needed, but few that get just these two articulations perfect sounding – granted, USE’s short notes aren’t as masculine or boldly cinematic as some libraries, but they have a rarity about them in the captured performances. The sound is also similar somewhat to Spitfire’s Chamber Strings, but these are slightly better in my opinion. The staccatos have a leisurely attack and sweep to them that make them perfect for mid-paced arpeggios and stately passages, and they have a sense of control over them that just makes the performance sound more commanding. They’re not too long and not too short – just right.
The sautille, on the other hand, is a short tasteful bounce that sounds wonderful when playing fast passages, repeated notes and proficient, focused melodies – these shorter-than-short notes sound adventurous and inspire melody from the composer when just simply playing, and that’s a great thing to have. It’s not often I’ll find myself “inspired” by short notes, and this is one case where I definitely was.
Of course, this is a great library – but it’s a great library with some quirks. The aforementioned releases may be a problem for some, so I hope Auddict can either re-edit the releases to be longer and boost their volume or record new releases to add to an update. I tried boosting the volume of the releases manually inside the editor, but many of the samples were cut too short to sound like a natural reverberant release – like I said, this may or may not pose a problem for some composers, depending on how picky they are. I just use the supplied reverb to cover them up personally.
Another thing some potential buyers may have a concern about is the price – namely, the amount of content provided for the said price. The library has a 500-pound price tag – converted to USD that’s about $700 – which is no laughing matter, considering United Strings of Europe doesn’t provide extras like bartok snaps, col legno, sul ponte, different legato types, sordino or effects. To compare, Spitfire Audio’s Chamber Strings shares the same price tag as United Strings of Europe, and it sports all of these articulations and more.
What you’ll have to decide is, is it worth the price of entry. If you think it is, and you can get your money’s worth through constant use, by all means, go ahead – but do wait for a Christmas or Black Friday sale, because it could save you a lot of cash in the long run.
User interface & Usability
The interface itself is straightforward. Controls for interval volume, legato and portamento length (which I think is best set all the way to the right for genuine, fluid transitions), mic volumes with solo, mute and purge buttons, and panning controls for the spot mics.
Trills are also performed by hitting two adjacent keys for either a minor or major trill. There is an attack and release control for just the staccato articulation, but not for any others – which is a bit strange – as it would be nice to have attack and release control for the polyphonic long notes to get a more pad-like sound.
There’s also an included reverb knob that applies more of the natural reverb of the hall the strings were recorded in to increase the lushness and blend in the releases. That last one is an important one, as the releases for the long notes are very short and very, very quiet – you may wonder if there are any releases for the long notes in fact, so I’d keep the reverb on.
Rating: Four out of five stars
All that said, United Strings of Europe is a practical and lush sounding library with great self-unity and functionality, and what I believe to be two of the best short note articulations found in any string library.
United Strings of Europe is just short of being truly great. It deserves the full 4 stars, but that extra star is reserved for those extra articulations and releases you don’t get for the price. If, somewhere down the road, Auddict decides to release a major update for these releases, including an attack and release control for the polyphonic longs, and perhaps some col legno, bartok pizz and effects, rest assured they’ll get their full 5 stars.
60% OFF Virtuosic Violin by Auddict
Virtuosic Violin by Auddict Sale
Weighing in at a massive 60 GB, The virtuosic violin by Auddict is a content-rich instrument, with many different articulations, legato modes, and other features, and much like a real violin, takes special care to ensure you get the most out of the instrument.
Everything in VIRTUOSIC VIOLIN (Affiliate Link) has been skilfully programmed to ensure everything is easily and readily accessible, to minimize any “learning time”, and let you get on to writing music with virtuosic violin as soon as possible.
Slurred and bowed legato were specially sampled so you can correctly and realistically phrase passages. You also get a specially sampled “fast legato” set of intervals, which will allow you to play virtuosic runs and scale passages.
Auddict wanted to make VIRTUOSIC VIOLIN (Affiliate Link) even more musical, so they have once again used their idea of the “phrase builder”, which allows you to select the attack, or beginning sound of a phrase, and then switch around the type of legato throughout a musical phrase.
One huge give-away that an instrument is a sampled one and not a real instrument is how the beginning of every musical phrase sounds the same. A great performer will not sound like this. They will vary the phrase beginnings, and perhaps start some quietly, some with an FP, some with a stutter, and so we have included five options for this, to ensure that your compositions sound evolving, musical, and extremely convincing.
The width of the stereo mic perspective can be changed by dragging the bottom pair of microphones in the interface, and dynamics can be brought up and down by either the mod wheel or expression Midi CC – depending on whether you have MOD or EXP selected in the bottom right hand corner of the instrument GUI, and the shorts’ dynamics are controlled by velocity.
Pricing and Availability
This is a limited-time offer you should not miss, hurry and save! For only $47.99 (normally $120), get VIRTUOSIC VIOLIN (Affiliate Link), The most living, breathing solo violin virtual instrument by Auddict!
63% OFF Angel Strings Vol. 2 – FLURRIES by Auddict
Angel Strings Vol. 2 (FLURRIES) by Auddict
For only $54.99 (normally $150), get ANGEL STRINGS VOL. 2 (Affiliate Link) by AUDDICT!
Weighing in at a massive 10GB, ANGEL STRINGS VOL. 2 (Affiliate Link) explores even more specialized string articulations and various orchestral textures. which includes completely unique, never before sampled articulations and an entire string orchestra range playable via keyboard-wide sample maps.
This library was recorded at Angel Studios in London, where countless pop/rock stars have recorded (notably Adele’s “21”), and many major film and video game scores have been recorded, including The Lion King, Jackie, Blue Planet, Planet Earth, Horizon: Zero Dawn and many more.
With this Vol.2 of ANGEL STRINGS (Affiliate Link) exploring even more specialized string articulations and various orchestral textures, the Auddict team decided that it will be released as a series of slightly smaller, expansion-pack style libraries. The advantage of this is that you can now choose exactly which articulations and techniques you’d like to purchase and add to your composing palette. These libraries will run separately and do not require Angel Strings Vol.1 to run.
The “flurries” refer to specially orchestrated sequences of notes played in quick succession by each player, creating a beautiful and lush string sound, which – due to the subtle spontaneity of the individual players – can really create the feeling of a real orchestra playing. We recommend watching the videos and listening to the demos as this is best demonstrated with music rather than words!
The flurries were orchestrated, recorded and programmed/mapped very carefully so that they can be performed, layered in different combinations and blend with other instruments smoothly. The techniques heard in this library are regularly written into orchestral music, whether it be modern film scores or romantic symphonies; however they are not sounds you can simulate even remotely with per-note sample libraries; they require specific orchestration and recording dedicated specially to these techniques, and we have done just that.
This instrument is organised into five main articulations, each one having an almost keyboard-wide palette of sounds to choose from. The five articulations are named:
- Ionian Flurries 3/5’s
- Aeolian Flurries 3/5’s
- Ionian Flurries + Bar
- Aeolian Flurries + Bar
- Fifths and Unis
The different articulation names refer simply to major and minor tonalities, as well as the notes used/techniques included. “Bar” stands for bariolage, which is a string technique where players quickly sweep the bow up and down the different strings to create quick arpeggios. Ionian can simply be thought of as “major” and Aeolian as “minor”, so depending on whether your music/chord is major or minor, you’d know which articulations to use. Fifths and unis are just that, and can be used in any tonality!.
There is a lot to be explored in this library. Different articulations and flurries can even be used to add interesting harmonic content to your music, beyond the standard root-position chords, but we will leave this up to you; the composer!
Kontakt VST / AU / AAX (full version only – Player/Free version will run for 10 minutes at a time before plugin needs to be re-loaded)
Pricing and Availability
This is a limited time offer you should not miss! ANGEL STRINGS VOL. 2 (Affiliate Link) is available now for just $54.99 from January 11th until January 24th, 2021.
Virtual Instrument Library
Checking Out Celestial Voices – Calypso by Auddict
Checking Out Celestial Voices – Calypso
Celestial Voices – Calypso by Auddict is a beautiful and versatile female vocal sample library for Kontakt (FULL version required). The library includes true legato and multiple vowels (Mm, Ah, Eh, Ee, Oh) and even multiple consonants sounds for a unique, true-to-life performance every time.
The voice we have is perfect for nuanced. ethereal cinematic music, as well as bold, epic lines and even, can cover more operatic and ethnic territory as well. There’s a really nice resonance in the upper range that can be very powerful depending on the articulation selected (for instance, Mm is almost always intimate and subdued, where Oh and Ah can be quite powerful and bold!)
There are 5 true legato modes, and in a nice touch, you are also able to select from multiple consonant sounds (sah, lah, rah, reh, leh, meh, fee, ree, tee, soh, roh, doh).
This selection will apply to the first word of the legato sequence only, and you can use the included keyswitches to create/morph your own phrases on the fly, all while retaining the super smooth and fluid legato transitions in between each note.
In addition to these features, they’ve recorded multiple mic positions, so you can totally sculpt the sound to be as dry, wet, up close, or as distant as possible. The stage mics allow you to dial in a magical, ethereal sound, while the spot mics offer more detail and power for something bold and epic.
Pricing and Availability
For only $39.99 (normally $106.18), get Celestial Voices – Calypso by AUDDICT!
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