Reel Life – Instruo #Lubadh
When I first saw Lubadh on paper it reminded me of the Morphagene a bit, but after seeing a demo from designer Jason Lim (2 hours!) I just knew it was something completely different – and a perfect match for the music I love most. In Part 01 I’ll start with something simple, a pretty little melody from Godspeed that gets recorded, dubbed and degraded by Lubadh into an ambient bed of sound.
Lubadh has a dedicated tape degradation and tape delay mode which are not used here because I wanted to keep the patching as simple as possible in part 01 of this series. In part 02 I will dive into all the features in a short reference guide. So in this video ‘degradation’ simply takes place by dubbing a recording with the tape saturation, compression and mild filtering from the module.