Nordic an Omnisphere soundset is now available
Nordic is a new soundset for Omnisphere 2 with an ambient character, perfect for use in underscoring and use in film, game, and library music productions and contains 128 presets and 25 multis. The soundset has found its inspiration in the beautiful nature and landscapes from Scandinavia. Originally this soundset had the working title Hardangervidda, named after a beautiful region in Norway. In this soundset, you will find a lot of nature recordings and sounds that Jaap Visser have recorded during his travels in Norway, Sweden, and Denmark.
Nordic will contain the following kind of presets: APR + BPM, Bells, and Vibes Bowed Colors, Ethnic World, Guitars, Pads, Textures Playable, and Textures Soundscapes. In the presets there is extensive use of the mod wheel, aftertouch, pitch wheel and sometimes
CC2 to enhance the sounds. The soundset Nordic comes with 128 presets, 25 multis. Created from 139 sound sources and is 514mb in size.

Pricing and Availability
Nordic can be purchased here, there is a time-limited introduction price available (until August, 1st 2019). The soundset is also part of Triple Spiral Audio’s (highly recommended) season pass. There is s Free Version available to get your feet wet as well here.