This toothbrush is a synthesizer! (also: FREE SAMPLE LIBRARY)

The clear, synth-like tone of a Sonic Toothbrush processed through a variety of effects. Available in Decent Sampler format.

The clear, synth-like tone of a Sonic Toothbrush recorded through a guitar pickup.

This instrument library comes with six presets:

  • Sonic Toothbrush Dry
    The dry sound of the toothbrush without any effects
  • Sonic Toothbrush FX1
    Distorted the through Noise Engineering Ruina
  • Sonic Toothbrush FX2
    Distorted the through Noise Engineering Ruina
  • Sonic Toothbrush FX3
    Distorted the through a range of outboard effects
  • Sonic Toothbrush Reverb
    The sound of the toothbrush through a large hall-style reverb
  • Sonic Toothbrush Shimmer Pads
    The sound turned into a pad using Valhalla Shimmer

This library works with the free Decent Sampler player plugin. Download it here.

Each preset has the following controls:

  • Attack
  • Decay/Release
  • Chorus Level
  • Tone
  • Reverb
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