The Passionate Bansuri consists of 120 recorded phrases of the Bansuri, a traditional Indian flute, played by none other than Girish Kale and recorded by Ashutosh Sohoni.

Girish Kale Passionate Bansuri

All of the phrases are timing synced and recorded in the key of C, D, and G. In combination with the pitch keys, you can promptly adjust either phrase to your track’s existing tempo and harmonic structure.

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As if this wouldn’t be enough, Ashutosh applied some personal magic reverb sauce on the 120 available samples, doubling the content up to 240 passionately played and recorded phrases.

UI Passionate Bansuri

Pricing and Availability

Passionate Bansuri is available for a short time period at an intro price of 39.00 EUR. This special price will go up to 49.00 EUR in less of a week.

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