Automaton Soundset for Zebra by Tom Wolfe
The new soundbank from Tom Wolfe, Automaton for Zebra, is available now.

Automaton is a bank of 100 lo-fi robotic-style patches for U-he Zebra2. Inspired by scores such as Tron: Legacy and Mr. Robot, Automaton is full of patches brimming with gritty, bit-crushed character. From crunchy percussion and tearing sequences, to crushed pads and soaring leads, this set is ideal for anyone looking to infuse their cinematic compositions with this unique robotic style.
For a limited time only, Automaton is available from for the introductory price of £11.99 (usually £19.99), while the U-he Collection is available for £24.99 (regularly £29.99). Offer ends 20th May 2020.
Also available now is the U-he Collection, a bundle comprised of Automaton for Zebra and Muerte for Repro at a discounted price.