No one recording is ever perfect, and sometimes you have to work with what you’ve got. If you’re dealing with reverberant voices in your mix, don’t worry – there are ways to fix them. In this blog post, we will discuss how to salvage soupy voices and improve the quality of your recordings. With the right tools and techniques, you can make your mixes sound great no matter what!
How to Fix Reverberant Voices Fast: Salvaging Soupy Voices in Your Mix
A dry voice recording is a luxury that the mixer seldom has access to. When you have the proper tool, it’s possible to rescue soupy voices in both dialogue and vocals in a music mix.
Noise And Reverberation
The modern audio engineer has a wealth of gear to choose from when it comes to recording the human voice. There is no shortage of options available from high-end microphones to state-of-the-art digital recorders.
This abundance of choices can sometimes make it difficult to decide which gear to use, but in general, the engineer should look for gear that will capture the natural tone and timbre of the voice. In some cases, it may even be necessary to use multiple microphones to capture all the nuances of the performance. However, with the right gear, it is possible to get a great recording of the human voice that will sound natural and lifelike.
Any musician knows that the quality of their recording is only as good as the environment they are recording in. Poor acoustics can quickly ruin takes, and unwanted background noise can easily slip into the mix. In many cases, the best way to combat these problems is to simply find a better location.
A quiet room with good acoustics can make all the difference in the world, and Recordists often go to great lengths to find the perfect spot. However, sometimes the perfect location is simply not available, and in those cases, it’s important to be proactive.
Soundproofing materials can help to dampen unwanted noise, and strategic microphone placement can minimize reflections from hard surfaces. By taking these precautions, Recordists can minimize the impact on environmental
Closer Constructs Finer Sound
It is a simple fact that the further away from the sound source you are, the more ambient noise there will be in the recording. This is why working distance is such an important factor in getting a clean recording. By positioning the microphone closer to the sound source, you can dramatically reduce the amount of ambient noise that is picked up.
This will result in a much cleaner and more focused recording. In addition, working closer to the sound source will also allow you to capture a more intimate and detailed performance. So, next time you are setting up your microphones, be sure to take working distance into account in order to get the best possible recording.

Reverberation plays an important role in the sound of any room, and understanding how it works can help you to achieve a better mix. Essentially, sound waves will bounce around the room until they eventually die out. The larger the room, the longer it will take for the sound to dissipate. This is why small rooms can often sound ‘livelier’ than large ones.
The distance at which reverberation takes over can be affected by several factors, including the size and shape of the room, the materials used in construction, and the number of people present. In general, though, being able to get a bit closer when working generally further away will probably make less of a noticeable difference. Understanding the critical distance at which reverberation takes over can help you to make better decisions about microphone placement and processing.
EQ Can Help
In many cases, the best way to deal with a problem is to simply avoid it altogether. This is often easier said than done, but in the case of reverberant voices, it is possible to use EQ to your advantage. By using a high-pass filter, you can effectively remove the low-frequency content that is most susceptible to being affected by reverberation.
This will result in a cleaner and more focused recording. In addition, using a high-pass filter can also help to reduce the overall level of noise in the recording. So, if you are working with a particularly noisy recording, this can be a great way to clean it up.
By following these simple tips, you can quickly and easily fix reverberant voices in your mix. By taking the time to understand the problem, you can find the best solution for your particular situation. With a little bit of knowledge and the right tools, you can salvage even the soupy-est of recordings.
Fix it in Post / in the Mix
When it comes to audio production, there are a variety of ways to address problems in the mix. However, using conventional techniques is often far from ideal. For example, anyone who has tried to use an expander to ‘fix’ reverb will likely tell you that it’s not the most effective method. Musicians have the luxury of being able to re-take their vocal performance or spend time optimizing mic position when noise strikes.
However, not everyone working in less than ideal conditions has this same luxury. Thankfully, there are other ways to address problems in the mix that can be more effective than using conventional techniques. By taking the time to explore all of your options, you can find a solution that works best for your specific situation.
For film and television mixers, the time-honored technique of improving quality is replacing dialogue in mixes. However, with the ever-expanding arsenal of smart drying-up tools, mixers working in any industry are increasingly able to bring us closer to the action.
These tools help to remove unwanted noise from recordings, allowing the dialogue to be more easily heard. In addition, they can also help to improve the overall sound quality of a mix by reducing reverb and clarifying ambiance. As a result, smart drying-up tools are an essential part of any mixer’s toolkit.
Reverberation can often be a nuisance when recording voices. By understanding the factors that contribute to reverberation, you can make better decisions about microphone placement and processing. EQ can be used to remove the low-frequency content that is most susceptible to being affected by reverberation, resulting in a cleaner and more focused recording.
In addition, high-pass filtering can help to reduce the level of noise in the recording. When it comes to addressing problems in the mix, using conventional techniques is often far from ideal. However, mixers working in any industry are increasingly able to bring us closer to the action by using smart drying-up tools. These tools help to remove unwanted noise from recordings, allowing the dialogue to be more easily heard.
How to Fix Reverberant Voices Fast FAQ
What is the best way to fix reverberant voices in your mix?
The best way to fix reverberant voices in your mix is by using a high-pass filter. This will result in a cleaner and more focused recording.
What is the critical distance at which reverberation takes over?
The critical distance at which reverberation takes over can be affected by several factors, including the size and shape of the room, the materials used in construction, and the number of people present. In general, though, being able to get a bit closer when working generally further away will probably make less of a noticeable difference.
How can I use EQ to my advantage when dealing with reverberant voices?
By using a high-pass filter, you can effectively remove the low-frequency content that is most susceptible to being affected by reverberation. This will result in a cleaner and more focused recording. In addition, using a high-pass filter can also help to reduce the overall level of noise in the recording. So, if you are working with a particularly noisy recording, this can be a great way to clean it up.
Can I fix the reverb in the post?
Yes! There are a number of ways to address problems with reverb in post-production. One common method is to use an expander to ‘fix’ the problem. However, this is often not the most effective method. Another option is to use a smart drying-up tool, which can help to remove unwanted noise from recordings and improve the overall sound quality of a mix.
By following these simple tips, you can quickly and easily fix reverberant voices in your mix. By taking the time to understand the problem, you can find the best solution for your particular situation. With a little bit of knowledge and the right tools, you can salvage even the soupy-est of recordings.
If you’re working with dialogue or vocals that are particularly prone to sounding soupy, one quick tip is to use a high-pass filter. This will help to remove low-frequency content that is most susceptible to being affected by reverb. In addition, using a high-pass filter can also help to reduce the overall level of noise in the recording. So, if you are working with a particularly noisy recording, this can be a great way to clean it up.
Another tip for fixing reverbs is to use a smart drying-up tool. These tools help to remove unwanted noise from recordings, allowing the dialogue to be more easily heard. In addition, they can also help to improve the overall sound quality of a mix by reducing reverb and clarifying ambiance. As a result, smart drying-up tools are an essential part of any mixer’s toolkit.