Teletype First Patch

It’s been nine (!) days since my last video and that’s because I had to rebuild my production PC – and learn a few Teletype commands. The Teletype may not be for everyone, but if you’re not afraid of writing some code, this thing will be able to do some amazing stuff. Highly recommended for generic unpredictable patches. I learned a lot from Zsa Zsa Roboto’s channel (and used his script) which provides really useful coding tips and great music and the Monome tutorials are super. This will definitely become a series! The next video I’m working on is a symphobia 2 review, which I’m really excited about. I’ve been wanting to dive into symphonic sample libraries for a while now and I can’t wait to share my thoughts on this one. Stay tuned for more content coming your way!

About monome

monome is brian crabtree and kelli cain. we met in art school where our initial collaborations included electro-mechanical installations, films, and music. now we live and work in the mountains of upstate new york where we also tend apple orchards, shiitake stacks, and forest paths.

monome is operated on a human scale. we use local suppliers and manufacturers with whom we’ve built long-term, trusting relationships. we believe in beautiful design and quality craftsmanship. staying small affords us the flexibility to pursue interesting new directions, not simply commodify established trends.

monome is supported by a global community of curious, helpful, and creative people.

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