Hybrid Tools: Phenex Bundle Released by 8Dio

8Dio released Phenex, available as a bundle or as two libraries that are part of the bundle: Hybrid Tools: Phenex Modular Analog Basses, Pads & Strings and Hybrid Tools: Phenex Modular Analog Effects & Tools.

Hybrid Tools Phenex Basses

The bundle is a collection of professional scoring tools. Phenex was produced by 8Dio by sampling vintage and modular arrays of analog synths. As you may know, eurorack is hard and Phenex gives you the option to save time resulting in similar sounds.

Hybrid Tools: Phenex, although part of the 8Dio Hybrid product line, is unlike their other offerings of the past. Instead of concentrating purely on risers, hits, and pass-bys, Phenex is more musical at its heart. It is more organic, and subdued, utterly evocative when it wants to be, and compellingly powerful when it needs to be. 

Hybrid Tools Presets
Hybrid Tools: Phenex Bundle Released by 8Dio 7
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Hybrid Tools: Phenex Bundle Released by 8Dio 8
Hybrid Tools
Hybrid Tools: Phenex Bundle Released by 8Dio 9
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